Protecting and securing our users’ (and ours given all team members use the product personally) is of utmost importance to us. We understand the sensitive nature. All data is protected on a user account basis where only authenticated users can view their personal data. We utilise the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to store our data with Google Authentication services ensuring proper security measures have been taken to ensure user data is protected. Only raw data is stored in our databases with all user-identifying information encrypted. These are all enterprise-level tools that have a proven track record for providing robust security and used by many Fortune 500 companies.
We currently don’t make any money on the product. In the future, we may have some non-invasive advertising WITHOUT selling user data. This will likely relate to property services and potentially be highly beneficial to our users.
Our product is currently free and we expect it to stay free in the future. Building the platform functionality and capabilities is important to us and for this, we do need some revenue to sustain development. However, accessibility for all users is important to us. In the future, we may discuss with the user community on what suits our users best. For now, we would like to continue working on our product so can get more value out of the platform!
This platform is designed for all property investors looking for a bookkeeping tool with portfolio analysis and forecasting features without relying on detailed and confusing excel spreadsheets. The tool can be used by new investors with one property to seasoned investors with large portfolios of 20+ properties. It’s designed in a way that the more you use the product, and the more data you provide to the tool, the more valuable it becomes.
The platform can be used on a regular basis or as required. We recommend updating statistics every fortnight (shouldn’t take more than 2-3 minutes) but some investors choose to use the platform on a monthly or even 6 monthly basis. The tool’s value scales with your use.